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Write swagger spec for ORES
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Write a swagger spec for ORES and expose it via the service. See and

swagger: '2.0'
  title: Objective Revision Evaluation Service
  description: Provides access to scoring models for MediaWiki revisions
  version: 0.7.2
  - http
  - https
basePath: /v1
  - text/html
  - application/json
      summary: Score revisions
      description: ...

Event Timeline

Halfak claimed this task.
Halfak raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Halfak updated the task description. (Show Details)
Halfak moved this task to Parked on the Machine-Learning-Team (Active Tasks) board.
Halfak subscribed.
Halfak set Security to None.

It seems like @GWicke's been following the convention of <service base>/?spec to get the specification. We should do that too.

Note that this spec include some installation details (e.g. "host" and "scheme"), so we'll need to make those merge-able from installation specific configuration.

Oh! Also, I had some thoughts about how to deal with the differing routes when accessing ORES directly vs. through the wikimedia paths (e.g.

So we'll probably want a spec to be available at "/?spec" that will describe the whole system. We can also have a different spec at "/<wiki>/?spec" that will report routes that are specific to that particular wiki. This sub-spec can be linked to directly from "".

Another note: Let's wait until api v2 is merged ( then write the swagger :)

We could use the swagger spec to design v2 ;)

I took a pass on this. It looks like many of the endpoints were left undocumented and much of the documentation was copied from some example. I filled in a bit, but it will need more work.

Yeah, I just started it, it definitely needs more work. Thank you for making it better. I'll work on it tomorrow

I think we'll need different specs for v1 and v2 paths.

E.g. should return the API spec for v1 and should return the spec for v2.

I think we'll need different specs for v1 and v2 paths.

E.g. should return the API spec for v1 and should return the spec for v2.
