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db1046 running out of disk space
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According to we will run out of disk space in 3-4 weeks. Once these happens, no more logs will be able to be written.

Event Timeline

jcrespo raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
jcrespo updated the task description. (Show Details)
jcrespo added projects: SRE, Analytics, DBA.
jcrespo subscribed.
Milimetric triaged this task as High priority.
Milimetric edited projects, added Analytics-Kanban; removed Analytics.
Milimetric set Security to None.

@jcrespo: I think m4-master holds on to data for too long. Since everything is replicated to analytics-store, I think we can shorten the amount of time data lives on m4-master. Here is the range of data available on m4-master:

mysql:eventlog@m4-master.eqiad.wmnet [log]> select min(timestamp), max(timestamp) from Edit_11448630;
| min(timestamp) | max(timestamp) |
| 20150710141400 | 20151122172443 |

And here it is on analytics-store:

mysql:research@analytics-store.eqiad.wmnet [log]> select min(timestamp), max(timestamp) from Edit_11448630;
| min(timestamp) | max(timestamp) |
| 20150316150859 | 20151122172443 |

So as long as analytics-store isn't running out of space, I think the solution here is to shorten the window of time data lives on m4-master to maybe no more than 30 days.

The other concerns in the email was that incoming data has increased a lot recently. I couldn't prove this theory though. Event Logging has been collecting data at a pretty steady rate as far back as I can see. And the 10 largest tables have gathered the same or less data than they normally do. Some of those even stopped completely so deleting old data should help a lot there. So that does leave the question of why you're seeing more and more data. This is what I did to get table sizes:

SELECT (data_length + index_length) as total_size,
  FROM information_schema.tables
 ORDER BY total_size desc;

Can you check that real quick and let us know if it accounts for all the space used up on that server? If not, maybe something else is creating data there besides Event Logging?

This is the physical view:

root@db1046:/srv$ df -h | grep /srv
/dev/mapper/tank-data  1.4T  1.3T  136G  91% /srv

root@db1046:/srv$ du -h --max-depth=2
663G	./sqldata/log
119M	./sqldata/mysql
4.0K	./sqldata/test
24K	./sqldata/heartbeat
220K	./sqldata/performance_schema
1.3T	./sqldata
0	./tmp
1.3T	.

root@db1046:/srv/sqldata$ ls -lha --sort=size | head
total 615G
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   88G Nov 24 17:21 _log_sql_2343_1a_main_5_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   75G Nov 23 09:09 _log_sql_2343_3bb52_main_2476c99_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   43G Nov 24 10:28 _log_sql_6dc5_d85c80b_main_30627a8a_2_1b.tokudb
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   33G Nov 24 17:20 ibdata1
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   29G Nov 24 17:20 _log_sql_2343_2f86c_main_16a4401_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   28G Nov 24 17:04 _log_sql_6dc5_407_main_902ff62_2_1b.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   21G Nov 23 20:44 _log_sql_2343_3bb52_key_ix_MobileWebClickTracking_5929948_uuid_2476c99_1_1b_B_1.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   21G Nov 24 17:19 _log_sql_2343_69cb3_main_5b30446_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   16G Nov 24 17:04 _log_sql_2343_15cd1_main_1297021_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
root@db1046:/srv/sqldata$ cd log
root@db1046:/srv/sqldata/log$ ls -lha --sort=size | head
total 663G
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  121G Nov 24 17:19 Edit_13457736.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   75G Nov 24 17:13 MobileWikiAppArticleSuggestions_11448426.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   74G Nov 24 17:17 MobileWikiAppSearch_10641988.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   51G Nov 24 17:18 MobileWikiAppArticleSuggestions_12443791.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   37G Nov 24 17:20 MobileWebSectionUsage_14321266.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   20G Nov 24 16:48 ImageMetricsCorsSupport_11686678.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   17G Nov 24 16:48 NavigationTiming_12405818.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   17G Nov 24 17:19 EchoInteraction_5782287.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   16G Nov 24 17:18 ContentTranslationCTA_11616099.ibd

Space is not a huge issue by itself, it is only a problem if we are not using it efficiently (for example, as you said, if more data than needed is being stored).

The idea would be to setup a process to purge it from the master, while slaves can keep more data as they have larger disks. Is that something that you want to do controlled by eventlogging itself or exclusively at server side?

I am afraid that for it to be effective, at least some part has to be at server side, as deleting rows will not effectively reduce the disk space used, and server-side operations like defragmenting or partitioning may be needed (that we can setup automatically with puppet). This will also help speed up other maintenance operations, like schema changes, performed in the past.

I can give you a specific proposal for the master maintenance if you agree with the general idea, and once I had researched the sizes and timestamps.

@jcrespo, thanks very much for the physical report. As far as team Analytics is concerned, we only need enough data on m4-master to facilitate backfilling. So, if we have a partial outage and we need to re-insert data, we need any originally inserted data from that period to be in there so we don't insert duplicates. We have no other purpose for this server, as far as we are concerned it's just used to replicate data to analytics-store. For us, having the last 30 days of data in there, on a sliding window, will work fine. We'll just create the expectation that any backfilling has to happen within 30 days of the outage. For you, you may need to keep the data around longer if you think it may take longer to fix any replication issues that come up.

If we made the replication upsert instead of insert rows, as far as we're concerned we could keep only a couple of days of data on m4-master.

Your other concern from the email remains. Do you still see an increase in the rate of new data? If you do, we should probably figure out why that's happening, separate from the above. Because there's no explanation for it from the facts I know.

I see two accelerations, on the 27 sep and on the 7 nov. There could be many explanations, from long running transactions being executed there, to the schema changes done as part of T108856. I have not performed per-file monitoring prior to this date, but I can tell you exactly what is growing in a few days.

I have just one question, when and who decides when new tables are to be created within a schema? It will simplify a lot of operations if new tables were created regularly when the number of records is high, so we could drop instantly old ones on the master. It would also probably speed up the import time, too.

I see two accelerations, on the 27 sep and on the 7 nov. There could be many explanations, from long running transactions being executed there, to the schema changes done as part of T108856. I have not performed per-file monitoring prior to this date, but I can tell you exactly what is growing in a few days.

Looking forward to finding out more.

I have just one question, when and who decides when new tables are to be created within a schema? It will simplify a lot of operations if new tables were created regularly when the number of records is high, so we could drop instantly old ones on the master. It would also probably speed up the import time, too.

This is done automatically when events with a new <schema, revision_id> come in (because otherwise they'd have no table to write to). And we can't really drop old revision_ids for schemas in an automated way (because sometimes code take a long time to stop writing to the old schemas. For example, say an Android app is writing that code, we'd have to wait for everyone to upgrade their app before we deleted the old table.

And we can't really drop old revision_ids for schemas in an automated way

Actually, I wasn't suggesting that, just doing the creation of new tables regularly, even if the revision_id doesn't change, and maintain smaller tables all the time. Then, drop older tables only based on the most recent date, no matter if there are many or just one.

Alternatively, I can handle that with mysql partitioning, but it has some drawbacks.

jynus@db1046:/srv$ df -h | grep /srv
/dev/mapper/tank-data  1.4T  1.3T  106G  93% /srv
jynus@db1046:/srv$ du -h --max-depth=2
691G	./sqldata/log
119M	./sqldata/mysql
4.0K	./sqldata/test
24K	./sqldata/heartbeat
220K	./sqldata/performance_schema
1.3T	./sqldata
0	./tmp
1.3T	.
jynus@db1046:/srv$ ls -lha --sort=size sqldata/ | head
total 617G
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   89G Nov 30 09:20 _log_sql_2343_1a_main_5_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   75G Nov 27 11:11 _log_sql_2343_3bb52_main_2476c99_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   43G Nov 30 05:30 _log_sql_6dc5_d85c80b_main_30627a8a_2_1b.tokudb
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   33G Nov 30 09:21 ibdata1
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   30G Nov 30 09:20 _log_sql_2343_2f86c_main_16a4401_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   28G Nov 30 09:20 _log_sql_6dc5_407_main_902ff62_2_1b.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   21G Nov 28 17:17 _log_sql_2343_3bb52_key_ix_MobileWebClickTracking_5929948_uuid_2476c99_1_1b_B_1.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   21G Nov 30 09:19 _log_sql_2343_69cb3_main_5b30446_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   16G Nov 30 08:49 _log_sql_2343_15cd1_main_1297021_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
jynus@db1046:/srv$ ls -lha --sort=size sqldata/log | head
total 691G
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  131G Nov 30 09:22 Edit_13457736.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   75G Nov 30 09:20 MobileWikiAppArticleSuggestions_11448426.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   74G Nov 30 09:18 MobileWikiAppSearch_10641988.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   51G Nov 30 09:17 MobileWikiAppArticleSuggestions_12443791.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   48G Nov 30 09:21 MobileWebSectionUsage_14321266.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   20G Nov 30 07:24 ImageMetricsCorsSupport_11686678.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   17G Nov 30 09:00 NavigationTiming_12405818.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   17G Nov 30 09:19 ContentTranslationCTA_11616099.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   17G Nov 30 09:17 EchoInteraction_5782287.ibd

The Edit tables is the main responsible for the growth. It should be converted to TokuDB, toghether with other tables. However, that cannot be done immediatelly, I will check what are the more urgent operations.

This is a list of the first record on db1046 for each table:

mysql -A -BN -h db1046 log -e "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name='timestamp' and table_schema='log'" | while read table; do  mysql -A -BN -h db1046 log -e "SELECT concat('$table: ', timestamp) FROM \`$table\` ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 1"; done
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I wouls delete half of the records on the largest tables (only on the master, not on the slaves) and convert them to TokuDB, giving us a 10x or more compression rate.

I have just one question, when and who decides when new tables are to be created within a schema?

At the moment it is done manually. EventLogging's approach is to try and insert incoming events into the database on the assumption that a table for the given schema / revision already exists, and to fall back to declaring the table if the insert fails because the table doesn't exist. So you can just rename a table (I've added a '_' prefix in the past) and data will automatically go into a new table. We just have to make sure that whomever (or whatever) is analyzing the data knows about the old table.

If we get agreement on T119144, we could potentially drop the clientIp column (varchar(191)) from all tables.

If we get agreement on T119144, we could potentially drop the clientIp column (varchar(191)) from all tables.

Dropping columns is not an investment worth pursuing. Partitioning (at table level, or with MySQL's partitioning) is, because it simplifies greatly the management (dropping partitions is direct and does not create fragmentation) plus it usually improves the performance (only the latest rows are scanned).

In other words, it would be great if ori's method could be a logic integrated into the app, so no rename is needed, and it happens automatically.

So there seem to be two threads here.

Table level partitioning seems to me to complicate replication to the slaves and complicate application logic. It doesn't seem to me that we need to do this right now, we can save plenty of space by just deleting data we absolutely don't need.

Deleting *any* data older than 30 days in *any* table is fine with us, @jcrespo, as long as these deletes don't replicate over to the slaves. If that's the case, we could run a job that did that on a daily basis. If we ever for some reason need to keep data around longer to allow back-filling, we could just pause that job. Let us know if this makes sense and I'll write and puppetize it.

@Milimetric: deleting data will not solve immediately the problem, as deleting data logically doesn't mean space is freed from disk. Hence the partitioning suggestion.

"complicate replication to the slaves and complicate application logic"

Not at all, it could be done transparently to the application. But requires maintenance.

But we can talk about that later, I will try to do some magic for now without blocking the server.

BTW, I found the acceleration issue: the automatic purge process was failing since some tables had been deleted.

Immediate problems have been fixed and purging has been restarted, however, the long term problem persist until we can schedule some maintenance for defragmenting and converting tables to tokudb, and setting partitioning. Until then, this is a mere patch (real disk space has not been saved).

root@db1046:/srv$ df -h | grep /srv
/dev/mapper/tank-data  1.6T  1.3T  320G  81% /srv
root@db1046:/srv$ cd sqldata/
root@db1046:/srv/sqldata$ ls -lha --sort=size | head
total 658G
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   89G Dec  1 16:51 _log_sql_2343_1a_main_5_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   75G Nov 27 11:11 _log_sql_2343_3bb52_main_2476c99_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   43G Dec  1 16:46 _log_sql_6dc5_d85c80b_main_30627a8a_2_1b.tokudb
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   33G Dec  1 16:53 ibdata1
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   30G Dec  1 16:50 _log_sql_2343_2f86c_main_16a4401_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   28G Dec  1 16:53 _log_sql_6dc5_407_main_902ff62_2_1b.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   21G Nov 28 17:17 _log_sql_2343_3bb52_key_ix_MobileWebClickTracking_5929948_uuid_2476c99_1_1b_B_1.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   21G Dec  1 16:52 _log_sql_2343_69cb3_main_5b30446_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
-rwxrwx--x 1 mysql mysql   16G Dec  1 16:48 _log_sql_2343_15cd1_main_1297021_1_1b_B_0.tokudb
root@db1046:/srv/sqldata$ cd log
root@db1046:/srv/sqldata/log$ ls -lha --sort=size | head
total 632G
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  133G Dec  1 16:53 Edit_13457736.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   75G Dec  1 16:53 MobileWikiAppArticleSuggestions_11448426.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   74G Dec  1 16:53 MobileWikiAppSearch_10641988.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   51G Dec  1 16:52 MobileWikiAppArticleSuggestions_12443791.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   50G Dec  1 16:53 MobileWebSectionUsage_14321266.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   20G Dec  1 16:49 ImageMetricsCorsSupport_11686678.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   17G Dec  1 16:51 NavigationTiming_12405818.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   17G Dec  1 16:51 ContentTranslationCTA_11616099.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   16G Nov 30 16:44 HttpsSupport_11518527.ibd
mysql -A -BN -h db1046 log -e "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name='timestamp' and table_schema='log'" | while read table; do  mysql -A -BN -h db1046 log -e "SELECT concat('$table: ', timestamp) FROM \`$table\` ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 1"; done
CentralAuth_5690875: 20150720102304
CompletionSuggestions_13424343: 20150909154807
CompletionSuggestions_13630018: 20150915212307
ContentTranslationCTA_11616099: 20150715154347
ContentTranslationError_11767097: 20151003074549
ContentTranslation_11628043: 20151002164900
DeprecatedUsage_7906187: 20150713043050
DidYouMean_13316693: 20150902183717
DidYouMean_13800499: 20151007012041
EchoInteraction_5782287: 20150714184800
EchoMail_5467650: 20151002164518
Echo_7731316: 20150726225402
EditConflict_8860941: 20151002164533
Edit_11448630: 20150713074457
Edit_13457736: 20150907214239
EditorActivation_14208837: 20151028205314
ExtDistDownloads_12369387: 20151002164814
GatherClicks_12114785: 20151002164538
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@jcrespo, just open up a different task and assign it to me if I can help in any way. Don't worry about tagging analytics projects, it seems everyone's confused about how we do that so I'll take care of it.