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Allow minor find & replace replacements to be optional if no "major" replacements have been made
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When I'm running a find and replace on a page, there are some replacements that are "minor" in that they are not the primary objectives of the replace action. The "Normal settings" form does provide a minor (and after fixes) check box presumably for such replacements. (BTW, I don't know what the minor checkbox is supposed to do; mark the edit as minor if it's the only replacement? Neither the "minor" column header nor the checkboxes have tooltips.)

What I would like is for replacements marked minor to only be executed if "major" replacements have been made previously.

I hope this makes sense.

Event Timeline

Cpt.a.haddock raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Cpt.a.haddock updated the task description. (Show Details)

You can do that by activating "Skip if only minor replacements". Does this not work for you?

Cpt.a.haddock claimed this task.

Ah! PEBKAC. That works fine.
