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Add new user block option "can edit Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block"
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Discussions about this issue have been going on for a while now in de.wikipedia. Like in en.wikipedia there is a page where blocked users can appeal their block, namely Wikipedia:Sperrprüfung. Recently, procedures were changed in a way so that users can use their main account to appeal their block, which requires full unblocking of the blocked account and which did not work that well in every case.

The idea behind this proposal is that a new blocking option will be introduced which allows blocked users to edit the concerned wiki's page for block appealing, similar to the option "can edit his or her own talk page".

Duplicate of T18447: Software should allow blocks that only expire when a user has read a specified page (training module, user talk page, etc.)
See also T240311: Partial Block UI: White-list of pages allowed to edit for site-wide blocks

Event Timeline

Man77 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Man77 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Man77 subscribed.
Aklapper renamed this task from new user block option "can edit Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block" to Add new user block option "can edit Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block" .Nov 28 2015, 3:15 PM
Aklapper added a project: MediaWiki-General.
Aklapper set Security to None.

Any link to such a discussion? Is this a request to add such a setting to the MediaWiki codebase itself?
Or is this some request specifically about configuration settings for de.wikipedia?

sorry, forgot to mention that: The core of the discussion is at, but our new procedure caused disturbances and discussions in several places.

Personally, I think that this option is a possible benefit not only for de.wikipedia, but I would not mind if it were only implemented in my home wiki ;)

I think it would be great if we realise it that way:

  • Is optional, each wiki can activate it via config
  • There is a sysmessage (MediaWiki Namespace), where you can define the page, which the user can edit, if this parameter is set (for example: Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block, or in other languages)

Yeah, it's a bit dewiki specific, we search for a good possbility to appeal blocks. Do you think that we need community consensus to develop, or to activate it?

Isn't this the opposite of the task you merged this with, @Ricordisamoa? That task is about banning users from only one article, this is about banning users from everything except a configured article.

Isn't this the opposite of the task you merged this with, @Ricordisamoa? That task is about banning users from only one article, this is about banning users from everything except a configured article.

Aren't per-page exceptions (either granting or revoking permission to edit) likely to be implemented similarly?