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Write A/B test documentation for accept-language header test
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps 1 and 2 of the guidelines:


  • Sampling rate
  • Population it hits (e.g. "everyone who gets zero results")
  • Any additional information included in the log files to assist in the analysis

This is added to the bottom of the Discovery Testing page:

Event Timeline

Deskana raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Deskana updated the task description. (Show Details)
Deskana subscribed.

@mpopov Since this documentation is particularly important for the analysts, can you do the review this of this task? If it's good enough you can it move it to "Done", or move it back into "Backlog" with notes on what needs to be improved? Thanks!

@mpopov Since this documentation is particularly important for the analysts, can you do the review this of this task? If it's good enough you can it move it to "Done", or move it back into "Backlog" with notes on what needs to be improved? Thanks!

I'll take the silence as a yes. :-)