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DISCUSSION: how we manage extensions
Closed, DeclinedPublic


After the re-org, the team formerly known as mobile web inherited a large number of extensions, many of which we are responding to reactively. We should have a broader conversation with stakeholders about where we can/should be reflective and proactive.

To quote a member of the web team:

The Reading Web team is tasked with maintaining a number of extensions some (most/all? *) of which make up our dashboard. In my experience, we've very rarely stopped to survey any of the projects that we tend to – be it long outstanding Phabricator tasks, open changes in Gerrit, proofreading documentation, or doing whole-codebase reviews.

Event Timeline

JKatzWMF raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
JKatzWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JKatzWMF added a project: Reading-Admin.
JKatzWMF moved this task to Waiting on the Reading-Admin board.
JKatzWMF added subscribers: JKatzWMF, phuedx.
dr0ptp4kt subscribed.

Clearing out some old tasks that pertained to a different time. Maintenance expectations are covered in other places.