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[Discuss] automatic statement extraction from Wikipedia
Open, LowestPublic


Explore the potential of extracting statements from Wikipedia. This is a niche that is already filled by Kian. Maybe we can integrate or extend that system. It would be great if ORES could host a similar set of models.

Event Timeline

Halfak raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Halfak updated the task description. (Show Details)
Halfak moved this task to Parked on the Machine-Learning-Team (Active Tasks) board.
Halfak subscribed.

@Ladsgroup, do you think we should keep this task around or should we just point at kian and call it good for now?

Halfak triaged this task as Lowest priority.Aug 18 2016, 9:33 PM
Halfak set Security to None.

I guess this is better to be around but lowest is a proper assessment.