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Special:Captcha/image not loading on confirmation page for new external links
Open, MediumPublic


(I'm not sure if this is SpamBlacklist or something else, but I'm sure SpamBlacklist people know the right project)

Someone came into #wikipedia-en-help today asking for help with editing

The edit they were making was adding an external link, so a captcha screen popped up, but they got this view:

captcha-page.png (328×1 px, 26 KB)

And this in the inspector:

captcha-dom.png (595×540 px, 69 KB)

All of us in -en-help could see the image, and after going to the Special:Captcha/image URL themselves, the user was able to see the captcha on the page. They were accessing the site from Serbia (if that matters) and using Google Chrome. They had restarted the browser and refreshed the page several times.

I'll provide the link to this bug to the user on IRC so they can follow along and potentially further debug the issue if necessary.

Event Timeline

MarkTraceur raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
MarkTraceur updated the task description. (Show Details)
MarkTraceur added a project: SpamBlacklist.
MarkTraceur subscribed.
Josve05a set Security to None.
Josve05a moved this task from Backlog to Tasks to follow on the User-Josve05a board.
Josve05a subscribed.

I get a Requested bogus captcha image error page on visiting that page.

I get a Requested bogus captcha image error page on visiting that page.

Hm, looks like that error is thrown if it's no longer available on CaptchaStore so that can be ignored.

I get a Requested bogus captcha image error page on visiting that page.

That's the expected result, yes :)

Just for a better understanding:

and after going to the Special:Captcha/image URL themselves, the user was able to see the captcha on the page

That means, the user (who has this problem) opened and after this could see the image on the page where he edited ? Sounds strange :/ Do you know what the output of Special:Captcha/image was?

Florian triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 21 2016, 5:37 PM

Hmm, can't replicate locally :( Was the edit made without being logged in? Can the user provide some more information about the use case? Maybe he knows what happened when he would've clicked "Refresh"?

The output of Special:Captcha/image was a normal captcha, one sec, I'll get the text...


I don't have the actual image, but it seemed like a good captcha and the user was able to complete it.

I'm almost certain this was an issue with the user's home network, ISP, or route to our servers, but I'm not sure if we had anything to do with it. I just wanted to track it somewhere useful.

perhaps we should add a link "don't see a captcha? l here to open the image in a new tab" or something for future cases...

perhaps we should add a link "don't see a captcha?

The question is: Where should this link points to?

l here to open the image in a new tab" or something for future cases...

I think these cases are very rarely and therefor such a link could be annoying, right? I'm not sure :/

@MarkTraceur Hmm, this sounds interesting, I can't think about a lot of cases, where an image isn't visible if embedded in a page, but is, if the user opens it in a new tab :/ Maybe a very very temporary problem?

perhaps we should add a link "don't see a captcha?

The question is: Where should this link points to?

To the page. It is visable for the user until he refreshes/types in the captcha