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WLE 2015 in Syria
Closed, DeclinedPublic

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Event Timeline

Antanana assigned this task to intracer.
Antanana reassigned this task from intracer to NickK.
Antanana raised the priority of this task from to High.
Antanana updated the task description. (Show Details)
Antanana added a project: WMUA-WLE-2015.
Antanana set Security to None.
Antanana added subscribers: Aklapper, NickK, Base and 2 others.
Antanana edited subscribers, added: intracer; removed: NickK.

This task is in WMUA-WLE-2015 and it's 2017 now. What's the status of this task? Declined? Resolved?
Please provide an update. Thanks a lot! :)

As part of housekeeping, closing any remaining open WMUA-WLE-2015 tasks which have not seen updates for a long time. It's 2017 and no reasons were provided why this task should stay open.