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MessageUtils::messageExists is busted
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


Say we have two languages:

es.json: { "foo": "hay problemas con foo", "defaultMessage":"hay problemas" }
en.json: { "foo": "problems with foo", "bar": "problems with bar", "defaultMessage":"problems" }

We want to get an error message in Spanish, as specific as possible. But if we ask for key "bar", it will give us the English message because there is no Spanish translation. We have a test that declares the message is not translated if we get the same as the English, and falls back to a less-specific error message. Unfortunately, this breaks on acronyms and things like "no", which are the same in both languages. We are getting unnecessarily vague errors.

Event Timeline

Change 276681 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
Actually fix messageExists test

Ejegg set the point value for this task to 1.

Change 276681 merged by jenkins-bot:
Actually fix messageExists test