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Create project WikiLoves-Tool
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Request to create "WikiLoves-Tool" project.

Project description: Web tool development in Tool Labs to show statistics about Wiki Loves * events.

Event Timeline

We have already developed some tools in and now we are developing a tool to WL* events.

@Danilo The webpage shows a 503, I guess this is only temporary?

Do you have a repo?

As detalied in T127228 the WL* stats tools used to be a part of the ptwikis project. Now we are going to refactor it as a new independent tool.

Since this is located at Toolforge, I would prefer a name like Tool-Labs-tools-wikiloves, since other projects of tools got the same prefix. Is this ok? (If needed, projects can be renamed later)

Created Tool-wikiloves for you. Feel free to change description etc if needed.