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Add skill to Amazon Echo's "Alexa" to support English Wikibooks' "Cookbook:Recipes"
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Name: Hannah Pedersen
Location: New York City
Typical working hours: very few in the summer
Mentor: I heard about this very recently and haven't found a mentor yet

I wish that the Amazon Echo could provide recipes while cooking. Wikimedia has a rich set of open source recipes, which I could integrate to create a new Amazon Echo skill, which would be similar to how Alexa can access Wikipedia articles.

This new skill would allow a user to search for a desired recipe from Wikimedia and then hear each ingredient, quantity, and step through the Echo. This skill would be useful for most people, as the lack of this feature has been pointed out in several reviews of the Echo and the most popular feature of the Echo in the first year was the cooking timer.

Wikimedia would benefit from this project, as the new channel of access would make using this public information easier. It also could be used as a template for integrating other types of Wikimedia resources with the Echo such as Wikibooks and Wikinews.

Find recipes for a user:
A user should be able to ask for a recipe and the system should either find the recipe or should say that the recipe could not be found.
“Alexa, find me a recipe for chocolate chips cookies”

Tell the user what ingredients they need:
the system should be able to list both the ingredients and the quantities specified within the recipe. This should support both listing all the ingredients and answering user questions about specific ingredients.
“Alexa, how much granulated sugar do I need?
“You need ¾ cup granulated white sugar”

Tell user the steps of the recipe:
the system should be able to list the directions, in order, one step at a time, urged on by the user
“Step one is to preheat your oven to 375 degrees fahrenheit. Ask for the next step to proceed”
“Alexa, I’m ready for the next step”
“Step two is to cream the butter, granulated sugar, and the brown sugar in a large mixer bowl. Ask for the next step to proceed”

Save the state for each user:
The system should be able to remember the recipe that the user is making, as well as the step they’re on.
“Wait, Alexa, can you repeat the previous step?”
“Step one is to preheat your oven to 375 degrees fahrenheit. Ask for the next step to proceed”

By Late May
The system should accomplish all goals for one hard coded recipe.

By the Halfway point
The system should accomplish goals 1-3 for the entire Wikimedia cookbook library. Individual steps and directions can be listed, but the name of the recipe must also be stated.

By Late July
The system should be able to store the state (that is, the recipe that the user is making) for the entire Wikimedia cookbook library. After this, I can polish it and create a launch plan.

About Me
I’m a rising Junior at New York University and am a major in Computer Science. Although I’m a beginner and have worked on few projects outside of my classes, I’ve been exposed to AWS and am currently teaching children coding basics. This summer I’ll be returning home and currently have no other commitments. I’m passionate about coding and am particularly passionate about this project because I love to cook and want to be able to use this feature myself.

Event Timeline

Hi @Hpedskis, thanks for taking the time to create this task and for your interest in Wikimedia and GSoC!

Have you checked and already?

Personally I'm curious what "Alexa" is, and if you could please link to a recipe on Wikimedia servers, as you state that "Wikimedia has a rich set of open source recipes"?

Yes, I've checked out both of those links! And of course, Alexa is just the voice service that powers the Amazon Echo. Alexa comes with base skills such as playing music for you, responding about the weather or traffic, etc. You can also create new "skills" for Alexa, which is what I'm hoping to do for this project.

In regard to the recipes, here's the link to the Wikibooks Recipe Index

Aklapper renamed this task from Alexa Recipe Integration to Add skill to Amazon Echo's "Alexa" to support English Wikibooks' "Cookbook:Recipes".Mar 17 2016, 2:48 PM

Yes, I've checked out both of those links! And of course, Alexa is just the voice service that powers the Amazon Echo.

Thanks! I've found now, as I had never heard of it...

You can also create new "skills" for Alexa, which is what I'm hoping to do for this project.

That seems to be

@Hpedskis thanks! for your interest in Wikimedia for GSoC.

This comes as a general information that all projects in Wikimedia require a mentor and a co-mentor to support them to go forward.

Meanwhile, you can go through projects in "Featured for GSoC/Outreachy" at Possible-Tech-Projects to see if any of our existing one's kindle your interest :)

How do you go about finding a mentor and co-mentor? Thank you for your advice and help, by the way!

@Hpedskis own ideas are encouraged but they require good knowledge of the community and planning and discussion from beforehand.

At the moment, your best effort would be to bring the attention of the community to this discsussion through a mail to Wikitech-l and see if anyone's interested.

01tonythomas subscribed.

Thank you for your proposal, but sadly it didn't make it to the selects this time. You are welcome to apply for Outreachy round'13, or GSoC round 14 with the same proposal ( if it still have consensus ) or a new one if eligible.

Please notify your siblings below 18 years of age about the Google Code In 2016 ( ) round and add yourself as a mentor for the same, if eligible. Closing the proposal as Declined, see you around in #wikimedia-dev.

We removed all project tags in the last bulk-edit for this one, and adding them back to keep track of this declined proposal.