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As a user I would like to login to the app using saved credentials from Safari
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To support this we need to:

  1. Update the app association file with the web credentials dictionary
  2. Update the app to ask for the credentials from the key chain

This is a secure way to share login information between Safari and the app, as we are the only ones who can claim associate an app with the domain.

See here for more details:

Note we will update the site association file as part of T128795

Event Timeline

JMinor subscribed.

Very cool!1 When we get an "Editing" epic together this should be on the todo list.

@JMinor this is now unblocked.

Looking at the docs, its actually trivial - we don't even need a UI. We just past in the methods Apple provides and it prompts them the same way that location access works. They can select a password or decline.

@JMinor this is now unblocked.

Looking at the docs, its actually trivial - we don't even need a UI. We just past in the methods Apple provides and it prompts them the same way that location access works. They can select a password or decline.

JMinor claimed this task.

This seems to be working? I am able to use the built-in keychain manager to log into either the app or web versions.