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Edit quality campaign for Swedish Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  • Confirm translations are ready
  • List of trusted user groups (CE)
  • Translate "Edit quality (20k sample)" to Swedish (CE)
  • Run prelabeling script
  • Load revisions into

Event Timeline

Ladsgroup moved this task from Community to New campaigns on the Wikilabels board.

Does "Edit quality" mean "[to] edit quality" or "[the] edit[s] quality"?

The edit's quality. As in, "is it damaging?" and "was it saved in good-faith?"

Redigeringskvalité (20 000 stickprov)
Redigeringskvalité (20 tusen stickprov)

or something similarly. There isn't reaslly a great transation for these words, if not used in sentences...saple may transalte to "test", "prov" or "exempel", above I translated it to "stickprov" which translates to "spot-check[s]"

@Josve05a Hey, Translations for Swedish are incomplete. It would be great if you go translate them. Ask if you have any questions :) Thanks! Once it's done, tell me and I will deploy it in your wiki.

I have completed the translations.

@Johan Awesome thanks. Now we need a landing page. If you translate This page to Swedish. I finish this off and we can call this done.

@Johan, have you had time to look at doing this landing page translation yet?

Yes. There was a discussion on the Swedish Village Pump and I had hoped someone else would take charge of it, because it would mean it had a champion on Swedish Wikipedia for the future, someone who wasn't me.

But it didn't happen, so I took care of it now.

I just loaded the campaign into the wikilabels, tested, fixed some minor issues and it's ready now!

Excellent. I'll see if I can engage some of the Swedes who are at the Wikimania hackathon tomorrow.