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video.js+ogv.js mode: control bar 'pause' button doesn't change back to 'play' on end
Closed, ResolvedPublic


While behavior seems ok, the 'pause' button doesn't change back to the 'play' icon when the media file finishing playing with ogv.js backing. Probably another missing event.

Event Timeline

Quit possibly due to: part of the stylesheet goes missing due to the BOM char.

Style should be the same for ogvjs and non ogvjs case.

Ah remember how I mentioned at some point that I thought there was a race condition with the 'pause' event ?
That's this: The play button listens for the pause event. Both pause and ended are triggered 'logically' (I believe we checked that before ?), but sometimes the code path that should send the pause event doesn't seem to be actually be finished executing before the ended event is triggered, cancelling it out somehow instead.

Also I just noticed that the ended event keeps being triggered continuously after the video has ended.

Whoops. :) file those in the github and I'll take care of them over the weekend.

Actually I may have fixed the pause/ended along with the ended loop in 1.1.1-alpha.2 updates; check with changeset Id767cb519

Change 288345 had a related patch set uploaded (by TheDJ):
[WIP] Update ogv.js to 1.1.1-alpha.2

TheDJ moved this task from Backlog to Video.js on the Kaltura player board.
TheDJ moved this task from To sort to Doing on the TimedMediaHandler board.
TheDJ assigned this task to brooke.
TheDJ triaged this task as Low priority.
TheDJ moved this task from Doing to Done on the TimedMediaHandler board.
TheDJ removed a project: Patch-For-Review.