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Monthly metrics email: "Projects which had at least one task moved from one column to another on their workboard" is 0
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The last Phabricator statistics mail read:

Subject: Phabricator monthly statistics - 2016-05
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2016 00:00:10 +0000 (2 hours, 49 minutes ago)
Reply-To: Wikimedia developers <>

Hi Community Metrics team,

This is your automatic monthly Phabricator statistics mail.


Projects which had at least one task moved from one column to another on
their workboard in (2016-05): 0


This looks wrong to me.

Event Timeline

Aklapper triaged this task as Medium priority.

Thanks for catching this.

The old query was:

[phabricator_maniphest]> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (edge.dst)) FROM edge INNER JOIN maniphest_transaction WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(maniphest_transaction.dateModified,'%Y%m')=date_format(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH,'%Y%m') AND maniphest_transaction.transactionType = "projectcolumn" AND edge.type = 41 AND edge.src = maniphest_transaction.objectPHID AND edge.dst = SUBSTR(maniphest_transaction.newValue, INSTR(maniphest_transaction.newValue, 'projectPHID')+14, 30);

maniphest_transaction.transactionType = "projectcolumn" seems to have been renamed to maniphest_transaction.transactionType = "core:columns", and
SUBSTR(maniphest_transaction.newValue, INSTR(maniphest_transaction.newValue, 'projectPHID')+14, 30)
does not work as that prefix has changed, should be something like
SUBSTR(maniphest_transaction.newValue, INSTR(maniphest_transaction.newValue, 'PHID-PROJ-'), 30)
but there's more that seems to have changed. :(

Change 292149 had a related patch set uploaded (by Aklapper):
Adjust "monthly Phab community metrics" SQL query to upstream changes

Aklapper renamed this task from "Projects which had at least one task moved from one column to another on their workboard" is 0 to Monthly metrics email: "Projects which had at least one task moved from one column to another on their workboard" is 0.Jun 1 2016, 2:57 PM

Change 292149 merged by Dzahn:
Adjust "monthly Phab community metrics" SQL query to upstream changes

Dzahn subscribed.

Merged, ran puppet on iridium, ran script manually without sending mail. it now says:

Projects which had at least one task moved from one column to another on
their workboard in (2016-05): 247