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Burmese font in PDFs shown as boxes in mywikipedia & mywiktionary
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If any page was downloaded as a PDF, the Burmese font was not render correctly in PDF viewer. The Burmese font was rendered as boxes and question marks, but not English font. Please see the following file.

Capture.PNG (591×669 px, 85 KB)

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from PDF font rendering bug in mywikipedia & mywiktionary to Burmese font in PDFs shown as boxes in mywikipedia & mywiktionary.Jun 6 2016, 11:03 AM

As already announced in Tech News, OfflineContentGenerator (OCG) will not be used anymore after October 1st, 2017 on Wikimedia sites. OCG will be replaced by Electron. You can read more on

Ninjastrikers claimed this task.

With ElectronPdf, this issue has been fixed. Burmese font is rendered correctly in PDF.