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rack/setup/deploy ms-be202[2-7]
Closed, InvalidPublic


This task will track the planning for the racking and then implementation of the new swift backends ordered for codfw.

ms-be202[2-7] were ordered on T130713.

We'll need to plan out where these 6 new systems will rack, and if they need to be in wholly different racks and rows. Since we have 4 rows, but 6 systems, some will end up sharing a row. I didn't want to just make assumptions based on the current config, and that these new machines would just be evenly distributed across it. Since these are newer machines, there may be plans to re-balance the backends.


  • - receive in normally via T130713 (includes racktables update)
  • - apply hostname label, update racktables
  • - rack in X
  • - add mgmt (hostname & asset tag) and production (hostname) dns entries
  • - update bios settings and ilom settings
  • - update install_server module
  • - install OS
  • - accept/sign puppet/salt keys
  • - service implementation


  • - receive in normally via T130713 (includes racktables update)
  • - apply hostname label, update racktables
  • - rack in X
  • - add mgmt (hostname & asset tag) and production (hostname) dns entries
  • - update bios settings and ilom settings
  • - update install_server module
  • - install OS
  • - accept/sign puppet/salt keys
  • - service implementation


  • - receive in normally via T130713 (includes racktables update)
  • - apply hostname label, update racktables
  • - rack in X
  • - add mgmt (hostname & asset tag) and production (hostname) dns entries
  • - update bios settings and ilom settings
  • - update install_server module
  • - install OS
  • - accept/sign puppet/salt keys
  • - service implementation


  • - receive in normally via T130713 (includes racktables update)
  • - apply hostname label, update racktables
  • - rack in X
  • - add mgmt (hostname & asset tag) and production (hostname) dns entries
  • - update bios settings and ilom settings
  • - update install_server module
  • - install OS
  • - accept/sign puppet/salt keys
  • - service implementation


  • - receive in normally via T130713 (includes racktables update)
  • - apply hostname label, update racktables
  • - rack in X
  • - add mgmt (hostname & asset tag) and production (hostname) dns entries
  • - update bios settings and ilom settings
  • - update install_server module
  • - install OS
  • - accept/sign puppet/salt keys
  • - service implementation


  • - receive in normally via T130713 (includes racktables update)
  • - apply hostname label, update racktables
  • - rack in X
  • - add mgmt (hostname & asset tag) and production (hostname) dns entries
  • - update bios settings and ilom settings
  • - update install_server module
  • - install OS
  • - accept/sign puppet/salt keys
  • - service implementation

Event Timeline

RobH created this object in space Restricted Space.
RobH shifted this object from the Restricted Space space to the S1 Public space.Jun 9 2016, 4:45 PM
RobH edited projects, added ops-codfw, SRE-swift-storage; removed procurement.

So we'll need @fgiunchedi to offer input on this, as it is nearly identical to T136631.

With the 6 new swift backends, we need to know if they will be in the same or different service groups, so we know if they can or cannot share racks. So if the 6 new systems will be placed into two distinct service groups, then any two can share a rack, etc.

Please provide feedback and assign back to me, thanks!

it looks like this is a duplicate of T136630 ? I'm going to followup there