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Implement Graph support of the OSM geo service
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Graphs can greatly benefit from getting map shapes from OSM database, instead of storing them on-wiki. This way, a graph could easily draw an outline of a country/region/municipality, and highlight individual regions with different colors.

T134084 will provide such a service, returning requested data as a topojson with each object having a Wikidata ID.

Graph can support this with:

"url": "geoshape:///ids=Q123,Q456,Q789"

Event Timeline

Change 295180 had a related patch set uploaded (by Yurik):
Added geoshape protocol

Change 295180 merged by jenkins-bot:
Added geoshape protocol

Change 295580 had a related patch set uploaded (by Yurik):
LABS: Enable geoshapes graph protocol

Change 295581 had a related patch set uploaded (by Yurik):
LABS: Enable graphoid geoshapes

Change 295580 merged by jenkins-bot:
LABS: Enable geoshapes graph protocol

Change 295581 merged by Gehel:
LABS: Enable graphoid geoshapes

Yurik claimed this task.
Yurik closed subtask T134084: Provide osm mapdata service as Resolved.