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"Next page" link on category pages scrolls 201 pages, not 200
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If you go to this category (1007 pages) and click "next page" 5 times, you get 2 pages, not 7. It's because next page link scrolls 201 pages, not 200: jump from the first category page to the second skips page Глиэр, Рейнгольд Морицевич, disposed between Глебов, Пётр Петрович (last article on the first category page) and Глузский, Михаил Андреевич (first article on the second category page).

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Same problem in many other categories. Just press "next page", then "previous page", and you don't get where you were before.

it:Categoria:Liste di nati per giorno
et:Kategooria:Loendid sünnikuupäeviti
pt:Categoria:Jogos para PlayStation
fr:Catégorie:Film américain sorti en 2010

Agabi10 claimed this task.
Agabi10 subscribed.

I can't replicate this anymore in the category of the link used as an example nor any other I tried, so I suppose this was fixed at some point.