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Special:Contact should display a list of available forms configured on the project
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Currently if one access Special:Contact the page gives you an error message. It should be good IMHO if the page listed the list of forms configured for the project so users could know how many contact forms exist and choose the required one.

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Special:Contact should display a list of avalaible forms configured on the project to Special:Contact should display a list of available forms configured on the project.Jul 20 2016, 4:39 PM

This would need to be implemented as its own page because Special:Contact is already reserved for a default form. While WMF wikis don't use this default form, other wikis might, and it would be disruptive to change that behavior suddenly.

It would probably be best to create a new special page for this purpose, maybe Special:ContactForms?

Change 870713 had a related patch set uploaded (by Wugapodes; author: Wugapodes):

[mediawiki/extensions/ContactPage@master] Create SpecialContactForms to list available forms