When dealing with certain long discussions and/or complex section edits it is helpful to isolate (filter) the history of edits within a specific section. What I propose is that an optional (see below what I mean by this) link be placed on each section header (just after the current Section-Edit link). This would invoke a History page that is filtered as follows:
- any edit that references the given section in the <span.autocomment> text, and
- any edit that was the entire page (and so might include the targeted section).
As for what I mean by optional, my thought is it could be
- a user configurable setting ( [_] Show Section History link ) under Preferences, and/or
- a __NOSECTIONHISTORY__ magic word option similar to __NOEDITSECTION__.
Other than this filtering of which edits to list, the History page would act exactly the same as it does now.