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Enabling saving Quiz scores of users
Open, MediumPublic


French wikiversity community recently had (fr) a discussion about ability to conduct a MOOC with our technology. But currently we don't have, as far as I know, any way to store account data relating to Quiz scoring. Implementing that would be great, and having some legal support on how to manage this "personal" data, as well as a community feedback would be awesome.

On the long run, it may be interesting to provide "evolution graph" to users, so they can monitor their competence evolution, and other fancy feature like that. It would be better to take this into account while structuring the stored data.

Event Timeline

Mvolz renamed this task from Enabling saving scores of users to Enabling saving Quiz scores of users.Oct 19 2016, 2:37 PM
Mvolz updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mathematic-alpha subscribed.

Hi i will like to claim this project :)

@Mathematic-alpha: Thanks for your interest! Note that this might not be an good first task task for starters.

I agree; this is potentially very complicated. It requires delving into the database layer. I think the first step would be to define a schema for storing quiz results. It's also complicated because of versioning; how do we deal with quizzes taken from an older version of the quiz? Do we show prior results if the page has changed in the interrum? How do we permanently connect a given quiz with saved results? (Individuals quizzes aren't currently very identifiable - they're just wikitext. We may need to develop a layer of abstraction over the Quiz elements to do this). Where do we display past quiz results? Etc.

Mvolz triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 20 2017, 2:51 PM
Mvolz added a project: Epic.

Hi @Mathematic-alpha! This issue has been assigned to you a while ago. Could you please share a status update? Are you still working (or still plan to work) on this issue? Is there anything that others could help with? If you do not plan to work on this issue anymore, please remove yourself as assignee (via Add Action...Assign / Claim in the dropdown menu) so others could work on it. Thanks a lot!

@Mathematic-alpha: I am resetting the assignee of this task because there has not been progress lately (please correct me if I am wrong!).
Resetting the assignee avoids the impression that somebody is already working on this task. It also allows others to potentially work towards fixing this task.
Please claim this task again when you plan to work on it (via Add Action...Assign / Claim in the dropdown menu) - it would be welcome! Thanks for your understanding!