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Autolinking to edited section does not work with certain chars
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If a section heading contains < or >, then the autolinking feature does not create a correct fragment for the URL. In this case it fails (it should be #Funksjonen <mapframe>), the entity is not spelled out, while in this case it works (it is Funksjonen <mapframe>), the entities are spelled out in the threads title in this case.

Note this change in the thread which makes the title create proper fragments

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Checked, and this is still happening. Test at w:no:Bruker:Jeblad/testing-dfgpiogj.

jeblad updated the task description. (Show Details)
jeblad renamed this task from Autolinking to edited section does not work certain chars to Autolinking to edited section does not work with certain chars.Dec 1 2018, 12:06 PM

OK, so to rephrase: when viewing (editing a section titled "Baz <pogo>"), the pre-filled edit summary is /* Baz */ , but it should instead be /* Baz <pogo> */ .