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"Problem with login session" getting this repeatedly
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Hello. We have a few other issues open here about problems with login sessions but we keep getting this error on our wiki farm (Miraheze)
"There seems to be a problem with your login session; this action has been canceled as a precaution against session hijacking. Go back to the previous page, reload that page and then try again."

Event Timeline

Please provide browser and browser version information, and MediaWiki version information.
Please see for future reference. Thanks!

@Aklapper It is happening on multiple browsers. I tried on most recent versions of Chrome and Mozilla Firefox and it does happen. The wiki farm is Miraheze and it has been reported on multiple Miraheze wikis ( All MediaWiki related settings can be found here:

Does clearing all related web browser cookies help?
Also wondering if capturing the HTTP requests and responses might provide some more info here...

@Aklapper I will try that. I'm not sure how I could get the HTTP requests and responses? If it's a log on a server some of the other sysadmins can get that information.

@Aklapper Thank you. I will report once I get the error again (it doesn't always happen).

I've got this error since October or November, and last time some minutes ago at I've got it when rollbacking edits, approving pending changes, and sometimes when I'm trying to save edits to pages. Now I tried to find something from the console, but when I clicked again "rollback", I didn't get the error anymore, and thus could not investigate. So it's not always required to remove the cookies. Sometimes it just works if you try to redo the action later.

I wonder if is the same, though, they then said the cause was a script, but I doubt.
Was also reported at and on enwiki, but they are getting this error when trying to log in. I've not got the error while trying to log in, though I very rarely log out.

Do you use Firefox 50.0.1 or newer? Or some different browser?

I have now Firefox 50.1.0. I have always the newest Firefox.


oh nevermind, now this was about loss of session data. will report it there.

That makes me think that this might be again T151770...

That makes me think that this might be again T151770...

Yep now I'm pretty sure it's about the same problem. Now I got the both messages at the same time (in different places), first "There seems to be a problem with your login session; this action has been canceled as a precaution against session hijacking. Go back to the previous page, reload that page and then try again" when I tried to revdel a version of one page, then I went to write about these annoying problems to the village pump, and there wanted to save my changes and got the other message: "Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data. Please try saving your changes again. If it still does not work, try logging out and logging back in."

I hope that someone can fix these ASAP; I'm not going to change my browser, but getting these every day is horrible.