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Develop a backup strategy for campaigns/tasks/labels
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Currently, backups are done manually. Labs should have a real backup solution, but for now, we need a real backup solution.

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If the postgres server had it's own backup scheme, that'd be fine.

Halfak triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 19 2017, 3:30 PM
Halfak moved this task from Unsorted to Maintenance/cleanup on the Machine-Learning-Team board.

Okay I made and documented the steps in I'd love to see a puppetized node but that might be too much work for too little gain.

What do you think?

I think this is done when we can confirm that wikilabels-dumps is on different physical hardware than the postgres server. @Andrew could probably help us with that.

ping @Andrew
We need help mapping hosts to physical hardware. Can you confirm that these two instances are on separate hardware?

I'm 99% sure just because one is labs and the other production, but please let us know.

pgsql.eqiad.wmnet is an alias for labsdb1004.eqiad.wmnet which some sorta is in labs. Not knowing this fact actually wasted lots of my time a while ago.

wikilabels-backup is a VM, currently (but not permanently) hosted on labvirt1015. pgsql.eqiad.wmnet is, as Ladsgroup says, a cname for labsdb1004. So they are definitely on different hardware but are in the same datacenter.