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Requesting that Global AbuseFilter hits be reported to an irc.wikimedia IRC feed channel
Open, Needs TriagePublic


When T154358 was resolved, I just noticed that global abusefilter hits ain't neither public nor private, are being reported to the meta.wikimedia IRC recent changes feed. Now we're just able to see private local filter hits. We thought that, since global abusefilters where stored on Meta, and the global filter log is also stored on Meta too, hits on global abusefilters would be reported on the Meta IRC.

I wonder if they should be reported on the meta.wikimedia channel or rather an special IRC channel on the irc.wikimedia server be created for such a thing such as we do with global account creations which are being logged on #central.

I advocate for the second option so we can keep #meta.wikimedia more clean. We could create an #abusefilter channel where all global filter hits be reported there for users to watch, for public and private filters.

Thank you.

Edit: We'd like that those be reported not on #meta.wikimedia but on other channel to avoid flood of the meta-wiki's recent changes feed.

Event Timeline

MarcoAurelio renamed this task from Global AbuseFilter hits not reported to #meta.wikimedia@irc.wikimedia to Requesting that Global AbuseFilter hits be reported to an irc.wikimedia IRC feed channel.Jan 17 2017, 2:31 PM
MarcoAurelio updated the task description. (Show Details)

Given that it looks EventStreams will eventually replace our IRCD irc.wikimedia, this task should perhaps be closed.