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User Interface for Single Image Batch Upload
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create a User Interface to access the functionalities of T138464: glam2commons (previously Single Image Batch Upload): Write and deploy initial and usable version.

A user of the tool should be able to select a GLAM and enter an identifier of an image. The tool handles creating wikitext to accompany the file based on a metadata-mapping. The user gets some feedback on the upload: either a preview of the upload or just a simple: "verify upload of file" or anything in between.

Event Timeline

Basvb triaged this task as Low priority.Mar 24 2017, 7:21 PM

@Kamsuri5. First of all nice work. Some pointers: About image 2 and 3 (and the related process step). How do you see this working exactly? Will we generate a list of all of the files the GLAM has or does the user type in a search query? Some of the GLAMs will have 10.000-1.000.000 images, so showing all of them is not an option. Personally I was thinking of letting the user enter the ID for the image. The name for the ID field could be different per GLAM, so we might ask for the "object number" at GLAM 1 and for the "afbeeldingsidentificator" (image ID) for GLAM 2.

For pictures 6 and 7: the pictures will never be own work, in the process you have added the check for licenses step (at the start) if the images passes that step we should have a valid license. Instead for step 6-7 it could be an idea to show the results of the mappings (this won't be easy I think but would make the tool better), as in: how will the description look, or what did the tool identify for photographer etcetera.

Your process.pdf looks very good, although SHA1 checking is also done by the upload to Commons itself, so we don't necessarily have to take that into account, if it is easy to do it is a nice inclusion.

And finally: I think a minor detail but the logo of Commons makes it look like an on-commons option. The tool will very likely land at and not directly on Commons.

Nice work overall on the Sketching of the UI.

Regarding images 2 and 3 the process is like:-

  1. Display all the archives of the selected GLAM.
  2. Once the archive folder is selected, show its images.

But i got your point, the images could be large in number. I thought that earlier but to a limited range.
Regarding images 6 and 7, but i thought that GLAMs showcase their own work?
Your idea of showing the results of mappings is nice, we can implement it.
Actually i was not aware of the fact that it will land on
Thank you for appreciation and I will do the required changes.

For the comparison there is Flickr URL upload in Upload Wizard

However it seems that you cannot start upload specific photos using url (you need to select them in the form) and also implementation is made for Flickr.

Aklapper reassigned this task from Kamsuri5 to Infobliss. shows that there is a user interface, created as part of T161670 in GSoC 2017.
Hence closing this task as resolved.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.