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Language assets for Azerbaijani
Open, MediumPublic


Event Timeline

Halfak renamed this task from Azerbaijani to Language assets for Azerbaijani.Apr 13 2017, 2:58 PM
Halfak updated the task description. (Show Details)
Halfak triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 13 2017, 3:01 PM

The list was reviewed two years ago but since we didn't check, we didn't notice.

@Wertuose: Hi! Could you maybe share a status update? Are you still working (or still plan to work) on this task? Is there anything that others could help with? (If you do not plan to work on this task anymore, please remove yourself as assignee (via Add Action...Assign / Claim in the dropdown menu) so others could work on it.) Thanks a lot!

I am resetting the assignee of this task because there has not been progress lately (please correct me if I am wrong!). Resetting the assignee avoids the impression that somebody is already working on this task. It also allows others to potentially work towards fixing this task. Thanks for your understanding!