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Metrics page not found
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Clicking the Metrics button (to gives 'Not Found: The requested URL /dashboard/ was not found on this server.'

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I was hoping this was going to be a quick config change on my part, but it looks like it's something I'll need to look for while doing the URL code cleanup task T161620

@Samwalton9 found the source of this issue while I was slashing out code related to the home wikis for editors as a part of T161889. The way the query code is written for the "Partner pages by popularity" causes the app to to process each of the request urls. All it took was a single request for an invalid partner page like


for that bit of code to return the same response code as the original request, in this case 404. I updated the code to filter the list down to requests that had a response code beginning with a 2, as 2xx codes indicate a valid response.

metrics is back up on staging, albeit with no home_wiki metrics.

Fixed in production, with the aforementioned limitations.