Editor & admin on English Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Samwalton9
Pings directed at this account may be intended for my Wikimedia Foundation role (@Samwalton9-WMF), the account for which was renamed in August 2023.
Editor & admin on English Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Samwalton9
Pings directed at this account may be intended for my Wikimedia Foundation role (@Samwalton9-WMF), the account for which was renamed in August 2023.
Possibly the cause of T379476?
Screen recording demo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r1euuXmRVD3iG-dWbI_iRwcZgWuslMk8/view?usp=sharing
You can install and try the user script by adding the following line to your https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:MyPage/common.js file:
A couple of notes I made while going through this that I forgot to post until now. They can be followup tasks or I could wrap any necessary work into this PR:
In T353868#9792217, @Pigsonthewing wrote:I still get the same error as in my original report
As far as I can gather, Django admin by default is only capable of searching admin on fields in the database - searching on a custom defined field is not supported out of the box.
In T356119#9496535, @Harej wrote:@Samwalton9 How is the state of UnlinkedWikibase these days? If our goal is to support Wikipedia Lua modules that use Wikidata, and to enable the language dropdown, how much work would it take?
In T299510#9342383, @Scardenasmolinar wrote:PR for alternative approach: https://github.com/WikipediaLibrary/TWLight/pull/1224
Thanks @KCVelaga_WMF! Some things I'm noticing initially:
Seems like the failing test was unrelated to this PR.
WIP PR at https://github.com/WikipediaLibrary/TWLight/pull/1209. I'm getting a failing test but can't figure out why.
I need to start remembering to switch accounts when appropriate. This above patch was made in my volunteer capacity :)
Filed a PR with a fix for the 'overwrite with blank email' bug I noted above: https://github.com/WikipediaLibrary/TWLight/pull/1200
I did some testing on this, and the only way I could reproduce it was to log in with an account which has no email attached in Wikipedia. Then update my email address in the library while keeping the "Use my Wikipedia email address" checkbox ticked. Upon logging out of the library and back in, the entered email is blanked. If the checkbox isn't selected, this doesn't happen.
Although a nice idea, I think the current workflows are good enough, and we've moved most partners away from applications anyway, reducing the overall workload.
I boldly took the approach of adding a new config app to store this data. Awaiting feedback.
Perhaps not ideal - we should maybe be clarifying/removing the 'Satisfies Terms of Use' row too in the specific case that a block is the only disqualifying factor, but I didn't want to overcomplicate things.
I intended to make the above comments from this account :)