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Disable 2FA for Freddy2001 on Wikitech
Closed, ResolvedPublic


My phone does not start anymore, hence I lost my access to Wikitech.
Please remove the 2FA from my account:
I have still access to labs, where I can confirm this request if desired.

Event Timeline

chasemp subscribed.

Are you a member of the tools project? Our guidance on this is basically to sync up on irc with an admin and confirm you have your SSH key by editing a file in your home directory on an instance.

If you can ping one of us from Cloud-Services in #wikimedia-irc that would be easiest.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-04-12T15:53:49Z] <chasemp> remove 2fa for Freddy2001 on wikitech per T162772

chasemp claimed this task.

Ok I worked with @Freddy2001 to confirm they can access their Tools shell account and edit a file (/home/freddy2001/unlock-my-2fa) restricted only to that user in the home directory. I have now removed 2fa protection from this account so that it can be setup anew with a new device.