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Inconsistent treatment of "at" parameter in cite book / rp templates
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The general fixes correctly change {{cite book|page=4<hyphen>6 }} to {{cite book|pages=4<ndash>6 }}. In the rare case where a single page has a two-part page number, there is a documented workaround to use "at" instead of "page": {{cite book|at=4<hyphen>6}} is left alone.

The general fixes also work on the {{rp}} template, changing {{rp|4<hyphen>6}} to {{rp|4<ndash>6}}. The template also supports an "at" parameter for unusual cases. However, the general fixes still change {{rp|at=4<hyphen>6}} to {{rp|at=4<ndash>6}}.

Could the general fixes be changed so that {{rp|at=4<hyphen>6}} is also left alone?

I ran into this at the "Arlington, Washington" article.

Event Timeline

Rjwilmsi claimed this task.
Rjwilmsi subscribed.

rev 12156