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Update maintain-kubeusers to allow tool's to write to $HOME/.kube
Closed, ResolvedPublic


webservice doesn't need to write into $HOME/.kube, but direct use of kubectl to launch a deployment needs to be able to write some metadata into the directory.

After updating, $HOME/.kube should have perms something like:

$ ls -adl .kube
drwxr-sr-x 3 tools.stashbot tools.stashbot 4096 Oct 25  2016 .kube

We could also make $HOME/.kube/config use the same chattr trick that we use for so that users can not accidentally delete the file.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Change 354839 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; owner: Bryan Davis):
[operations/puppet@production] tools: have maintain-kubeusers chown $HOME/.kube

Change 354839 merged by Rush:
[operations/puppet@production] tools: have maintain-kubeusers chown $HOME/.kube

Change 354839 merged by Rush:
[operations/puppet@production] tools: have maintain-kubeusers chown $HOME/.kube

I am merging this but it doesn't fix up the existing .kube dirs for Tools.

I'll clean up the permissions on the existing directories manually from labstore1005.eqiad.wmnet

Change 360779 had a related patch set uploaded (by BryanDavis; owner: Bryan Davis):
[operations/puppet@production] tools: fix chattr file path in maintain-kubeusers

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2017-06-22T00:12:34Z] <bd808> Set ownership and permissions on $HOME/.kube for all tools (T165875)

Change 360779 merged by Madhuvishy:
[operations/puppet@production] tools: Fix maintain-kubeusers

@bd808 is this resolved then along with T169715?

I still need to do the cleanup for directories created before the script was fixed. I started on that and then stalled out on figuring out how to do the uid/gid mappings from a host that is not using LDAP in nsswitch. I started looking again today though and should have something soon.

I'll clean up the permissions on the existing directories manually from labstore1005.eqiad.wmnet

$ ssh labstore1004.eqiad.wmnet
$ sudo -s
$ cd /exp/project/tools/project
$ for d in $(find . -maxdepth 2 -name .kube -type d -user root); do
  u=$(ls -ld ${d%%/.kube}|awk '{print $4}')
  echo $d $u
  chown $u:$u $d
  chmod 0775 $d
./nada/.kube 52816
./validator/.kube 52596
./prometheus/.kube root
./liangent/.kube 51115
./samoabot/.kube 51104
./test-lighttpd-precise/.kube 52520
./webarchivebot/.kube 52813
./jarbot/.kube 52831
./liangent-misc/.kube 51465
./phetools/.kube 52004
./jarallah/.kube 52835
./wikihistory/.kube 51512
./afcbot/.kube 51049
./sbot/.kube 51916
./repo/.kube root
./ebraminio-dev/.kube 51315
./himo/.kube 52807
./wikiminiatlas/.kube 51499
./davod/.kube 52785
./lyan/.kube 53332
./rotpunkt-bot/.kube 52770
./yemen/.kube 52789
./aaaaaa/.kube root
./crosswatch-monitoring/.kube 52537
./farhangestan/.kube 52569
./npp/.kube 52671
./maurelio/.kube 53110
./pathoschild-contrib/.kube 51337
./spbot/.kube 51190
./liangent-py/.kube 51118
./liangent-toolserver/.kube 52123
./framabot/.kube 53040
./liangent-django/.kube 51588
./passlicense/.kube 52784
./edinbot/.kube 51430
./zhwiki/.kube 51119
./fn/.kube 52232
./thedavetools/.kube 52924
$ (for d in $(find . -maxdepth 2 -name .kube -type d -user root); do u=$(ls -ld ${d%%/.kube}|awk '{print $4}'); echo $d $u; done)|sort
./aaaaaa/.kube root
./prometheus/.kube root
./repo/.kube root

The directories that are still owned by root are for disabled tools.