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Problems when reverting a talk page which belongs to user who is also receiving the warning
Open, MediumPublic


From enwiki:

I've noticed a little bug in Huggle when trying to revert an edit to a user talk page where the warning regarding the edit also needs to be placed. Here, an IP replaced the month header with an attack, so I loaded it in Huggle to revert it and warn the user. However, when Huggle made the second edit to warn the user, it also reverted the edit it has just made (restoring the attack), forcing me to manually restore the month header. This only seems to happen on user talk pages when you're reverting an edit to, and issuing a warning to, the same page. Home Lander (talk) 20:02, 19 May 2017 (UTC)

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It probably is related to talk page buffer which contains the source code of the page, it should be flushed but it's not for some reason

Petrb triaged this task as Medium priority.May 23 2017, 7:53 AM