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Rollout prometheus-node-exporter 0.14 in labs
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We've got prometheus-node-exporter 0.14.0~git20170523-0 deployed in production that fixes a number of issues (lvs ipv6, qdisc collector, etc). It'd be nice to have it upgraded in labs / tools too, similarly as what was done in T152580: rollout prometheus-node-exporter 0.13

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chasemp subscribed.

sounds good to me, let us know when you hit the Tools road block with aptly and one of us can untangle (i.e. this)

thanks! I think the version in aptly has been removed so we should be set for tools too, what's the best way I can run a command on all labs + tools ?

thanks! I think the version in aptly has been removed so we should be set for tools too, what's the best way I can run a command on all labs + tools ?

There is vanilla clush on you can do something like clush -f 10 -g all 'foo' and for all of labs it's still salt on labcontrol1001 or a labs wide root running something from local atm. If salt seems to be missing too much @Andrew or I can do a root pass (his is better as a few weird edge instances may still only have his).

Did this ever happen? Mostly just curious :)

No it didn't happen, though if someone wants to pick it up please do!

fgiunchedi moved this task from Backlog to Doing on the User-fgiunchedi board.

I'll take care of this since we'll need some new collectors from node-exporter 0.14 as part of T177196

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-10-05T13:15:02Z] <godog> test upgrade node-exporter in thumbor/swift/services/puppet3-diffs/monitoring projects - T166561

All done! I've ran the upgrade with cumin, using the command below (see also

cumin -b 40 'A:all' 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q -y --assume-no -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confold" install prometheus-node-exporter