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Getting strange 403 errors when trying to edit with following text:
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: publicaddress

I would like to edit this page, but whenever I hit "preview" something in the following text block is making it escape out to requesting the index.php file and giving me a 403 error. If I edit other sections, there is no problem, but when I try to edit this section alone or the whole page, I get the 403 error. If I delete the section altogether, it works fine, but the section is important to have in there.

I have tried deleting the <ref> tags, all links (internal and external), colons, exclamation points, ampersands, and semicolons, in combinations of one of each of those or all of them together. No luck. Am I missing something really obvious or is this a bug?

This page was easily editable under 1.8.2 (and possibly 1.10, I can't recall if I edited on that), but now does not seem to work in 1.13.0.

I get the same 403 error on a local copy of a separate wiki (same MW version 1.13.0, extensions, MySQL version 5.0) when I enter the following on its own new page:

#Download to your hard drive PDF versions of all the [[Transmittals]] from every year and every "internet only" manual. Also download all the "paper-based" manuals, which are usually in Microsoft Word format.

To do this, it is helpful to use a utility combination such as Firefox, FlashGot and curl or wget to construct a query that will allow you to download transmittals for each manual into a separate directory. See [[User:Alex|Alex]]'s reverse-engineered list of [[Transmittal File Naming Conventions]] for help in building a query. Or, if you know what you're doing with curl or [ wget] (recommended over curl), you can go that route too. (Check out [[User:Alex|Alex's]] [[Talk:Medicare_Manual|instructions]] if you're interested in that route). I've found [ Firefox] in combination with [ FlashGot] and [ wget] is the most user-friendly combo: It works on every modern operating system using the "Build Gallery".

Once you've downloaded them, group the transmittals into directories (folders) by manual (optional)

#Install a local search utility such as Yahoo!&reg; search, Google&reg; Desktop or MSN&reg; Desktop Search. (Optional, but highly recommended unless you're using Mac OS 10.4.x+. Windows Vista may have a local search capability built in, but I'm not sure how good it is.)
#Find the phrase in the current manual you wish to compare to the old manuals
#Search through the appropriate directory using Acrobat&reg; or Adobe Reader&reg; or one of the search utilities (Google and MSN don't let you filter by directory as easily as Yahoo!; Google is fastest, but has no PDF preview; MSN gives you a PDF preview)

If you're lucky enough to be working on a Mac OS 10.4 or higher, you just need to use Spotlight.

#Read through each transmittal where the term appears and see when/if it actually changed from the original text that was likely imported from CMS's [ paper-based manuals]
#If the effective date (not necessarily the publication or implementation date!) of the provision is before the date of service, generally, that provision applies.

Version: 1.13.x
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 10:18 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz15350.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Looks like mod_security errors. Disable that extension if you have it installed on apache and try again.
You could also use bisection to find which are the "bad" keywords.

Ciencia_Al_Poder claimed this task.
Ciencia_Al_Poder subscribed.

That indeed looks like a mod_security problem or other anti-spam measure on the server. Closing as invalid because no further information was provided in 6 years...