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For discussion: Research team member responsibilities w/r/t planned work, unplanned work, discretionary time, and volunteering
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Placeholder for having a conversation on what expectations we want to set about how we, as individual team members, decide what to work on & when, and how that relates to quarterly and annual plan goals, career development, and our non-paid work as movement volunteers--which may involve research.

We should revisit this topic once all new hires are onboarded, and decide then whether and/or how to have the conversation.

Event Timeline

leila added a project: Research-management.
leila edited subscribers, added: Miriam, Isaac; removed: DarTar.

@leila: Hi, this task is under "Research (FY2019-20-Research-October-December)". Should it still be open (+get an active milestone), or has it been resolved? Thanks!

@Aklapper yes, please. In my todo, and I'm behind on it.

@leila: Thanks. In that case I'll move it to April-June, because archiving the Oct-Dec tag is all that I'm really after. :)

@Aklapper for my understanding: what is the issue with leaving that tag open? (I'm imagining it's cluttering somewhere, I don't know where though.)

We've had a few conversations about this, and here is my current understanding of it:

If a member of the Research team expects time towards an activity to be allocated as part of their work time, they need to make sure their manager is onboard with it. It is the responsibility of the manager to assure that the work is contributing towards the mission of the team or is part of the development of the member of the team and to support prioritization/re-prioritization as they see fit.

I'm going to call this task as resolved with this understanding. If there are follow-up conversations or more clarity is needed, please re-open and update the task description with what you consider helpful to discuss. Thanks!