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Some tools missing routes for trailing slash
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@Freddy2001 Could you provide a link, or let us know what steps you took leading up to this error? This works for me:

This is what I see using this link.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2017-09-25 23-34-31.png (732×1 px, 159 KB)

GET /adminstats/ is wrong, which is my mistake. I needs to be /adminstats (without trailing slash). There's no 404 then.

Got it. We can take care of that! It is supposed to work with or without the trailing slash.

Sorry, saw your message just after that.

MusikAnimal renamed this task from 404 Adminstats to Some tools missing routes for trailing slash.Sep 25 2017, 11:08 PM
MusikAnimal closed this task as Resolved.
MusikAnimal claimed this task.
MusikAnimal updated the task description. (Show Details)
MusikAnimal moved this task from Backlog to Pending deployment on the XTools board.

Fixed with 190d9b8 (but not yet deployed). Thanks