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Unable to add bold and italic while editing on the App
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Found on 5.7.0(1249)


  1. Edit a page (I used a sandbox)
  2. Add some bold, italic, and bold italic (examples: '''bold''' - ''italic'' - '''''bold italic'''''

Text appears as: bold, italic, bold italic

Appears as: '''bold''' - ''italic'' - '''''bold italic'''''

Frequency = 5/5

Note: Headings and subheadings seem to work

Event Timeline

Testing on iPhone 7 (iOS 11.0.2) - Wikipedia app 5.8.0 (1264). This is finally fixed in an area it had failed the last few times - the Article Editing Regression test for iPhone 7 that involved Test Wiki and the Foo page.

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