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Temporary lift of IP cap from 2017-11-14 to 2017-11-21
Closed, ResolvedPublic



for avoiding problems in a course on Wikipedia for students at a Medicine Faculty campus ( I would request a temporary lift of approx one week in Catalan Wikipedia:

  • IP:

From: 2017-11-14 to 2017-11-21


Event Timeline

Thanks for creating this ticket. Please provide all the required information (how many people are expected).
This is also extremely short notice... If you think your request has gone unnoticed and the event is about to start, go to the IRC channel #wikimedia-tech on Freenode IRC and ask for help (general information on using IRC). Thanks!

We assume at most 10 people per session. Next one is tomorrow morning 8.00 AM CET. Critical day would be next Monday that we could have around 20 registrations the most in 2 sessions (morning and afternoon)

Kizule moved this task from Backlog to Working on on the Wikimedia-Site-requests board.
Kizule added a project: User-Kizule.
Kizule moved this task from Inbox to Working on on the User-Kizule board.

Change 391220 had a related patch set uploaded (by Zoranzoki21; owner: Zoranzoki21):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Added throttle rule for course on Wikipedia at a Medicine Faculty campus.

Change 391220 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Added throttle rule for course on Wikipedia at a Medicine Faculty campus.

EddieGP subscribed.

The throttle override is now set to be active between 2017-11-14 midnight UTC and 2017-11-22 midnight UTC (to include the whole of 2017-11-21). The limit is increased to be 50 registrations/24h (instead of normal 6 reg./24h). Have fun at your event! :-)