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Peek/Pop controls do not work from within 'In the news' and 'On this day' and 'Places near' pages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Discovered on 5.7.1 (1264)


  1. Navigate to the explore feed
  2. Locate 'In the news' or 'On this day cards' or 'Places near'
  3. Tap the 'more...' at the bottom of the card
  4. Choose any article link and Peek/pop and drag up to reveal controls
  5. Tap Read Now or Share or View on Map (for places near)

Expected Result:
Tapping read now jumps to the article. Tapping share begins the share process. Tapping view on map jumps to the places.

Actual Result:
Nothing happens and the peek/pop is dismissed.

Frequency = 5/5

Notes: Does not happen within 'Top read' or 'Because you read'

Event Timeline

JMinor triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 4 2017, 7:09 PM
JMinor moved this task from Needs Triage to Bug Backlog on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.
JMinor added a project: iOS-app-v5.7.2.

Testing on iPhone 6s (iOS 10.3.3) and Wikipedia app 5.7.3 (1281). On 'In the news' and 'On this day cards', 'more...', 'Read Now', 'Share' and 'View on Map' act according to expected results when tapped so this is fixed, and despite the separate bug with T180728 the 'Read Now' and 'Share' buttons work as expected upon being tapped.

LGoto claimed this task.