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Create a Wikidata fact about a Google Code-in organisation or project
Closed, DeclinedPublic


This task is to add one fact to Wikidata about a Google Code-in organisation or project.

Wikidata facts are being used to automatically create Wikipedia articles, and there are lots of interesting tools and viewers like Reasonator that consume and re-use Wikidata content.

If you have not edited Wikidata before, read the Introduction and do the Tutorials before attempting this task.

This task involves editing a live database, and any mistakes may immediately impact thousands of other users around the globe. Care and caution are required. Communicate with your mentors.

Not surprisingly, MediaWiki and Wikimedia Foundation are a good example to follow for the way to describe software components and related organisations in the Wikidata ontology.

After creating the fact, submit your task with a comment including your contributions URL, such as

Mentors: @jayvdb, @Zppix

Event Timeline

I am interested in mentoring this one, but I would need help if this was to have more than a few instances available.

To simplify the task a little, I have created items for all the GCI orgs which were missing from Wikidata, and they all appear on .

There was a WikipediaWeekly thread a while ago that I started about "create a Wikipedia article about <GCI org>" , which I am trying to dig up.
I am hoping that this task might be a more suitable approach that other orgs might adopt if successful.

(edit: after a lot of scrolling ... )

@Jonas: Any ideas maybe who in the Wikidata crew might be able and willing to co-mentor this for Google-Code-in-2017?

As this is a content task it will not be mentored by someone from the dev team.

@Zppix, thanks, I'll add you to the list of mentors, but we will need mentors with more experience editing on Wikidata.

I'm interested in mentoring this particular task

I have added few fact to wikidata of some organization on GCI
I also have contributed quite a lot of edits on wikidata in the past year.

here is list of my contributions

Closing this task as it was a placeholder in Phab for Google-Code-in-2017 has ended now (no more new tasks can be claimed from now on in GCI 2017).