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ANI data: Dec '17 - Detailed report of cases
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Report 1: All cases from October 1 2016 — September 30 2017

A large report, such as from T178536. From October 1 2016 — September 30 2017

TitlestringNo change from previous report
URLstringNo change from previous report
Opened datetimestampNo change from previous report
Last signature datetimestampI believe this is currently parsed, but not yet reported
Case length¹integerNo additional parsing needed
AuthorstringNo change from previous report
Total UsersintegerNo change from previous report
Total AdminsintegerNo change from previous report
Bytes²integerWill require another parse of the wikitext
Diffs³integerWill require another parse of the wikitext
ResolvedbooleanNo change from previous report
ResolutionstringNo change from previous report
Resolved BystringNo change from previous report


  1. Milliseconds between opened & last signature
  2. Bytes or characters for the entire case, removing signatures if possible
  3. The number of links in the entire case to diffs, formatted either via {{Diff* or*&diff=* or [[Special:Diff/*

From this report, we will be able to filter to determine:

  • Average length of threads by time (for total, closed, or not closed)
  • Average length of threads by bytes (for total, closed, or not closed)
  • Does reporting diffs help/hurt a case receive closure?
  • Outliers (long threads, short threads, unanswered threads)