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Block elements within inline elements reported as "Multiple unclosed formatting tags"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It seems block elements within inline elements show up as "Multiple unclosed formatting tags" lint error, which is misleading/confusing since the problem isn't actually an unclosed tag, and the solution doesn't involve adding/fixing the closing tag. See en:Template_talk:Infobox_road#Plainlist_in_length_notes and the following section for details, but basically

*item 1
*item 2
*item 3

showed up as "Multiple unclosed formatting tags: <small>". The fix was

<div style='font-size:90%;'>{{plainlist|
*item 1
*item 2
*item 3

It would be less confusing if the lint error was something like "Block element nested within inline element: <small>"

Originally reported at en:Wikipedia talk:Linter#Block elements within inline elements.

Event Timeline

Thanks. This is a false positive for the multiple-unclosed-formatting-tags category. Will suppress it.

Change 401515 had a related patch set uploaded (by Subramanya Sastry; owner: Subramanya Sastry):
[mediawiki/services/parsoid@master] T183893: Linter: Suppress multiple-unclosed-formatting-tags false positives

The "<br>" is required for this false positive to trigger.

Change 401515 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/services/parsoid@master] T183893: Linter: Suppress multiple-unclosed-formatting-tags false positives

ssastry triaged this task as Medium priority.
ssastry edited projects, added Parsoid; removed Patch-For-Review.