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CopyPatrol missing records for long periods of time
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Eranbot might be having troubles collecting records lately. The usual frequency is 3-5 records every hour but lately it seems to miss records for several hours altogether sometimes. This indicates there might be something going wrong with the bot and we should investigate and fix this.

Here's data from the last 50 days for comparison -

MariaDB [s51306__copyright_p]> SELECT SUBSTRING(diff_timestamp, 1, 8) AS date, COUNT(*) AS count FROM copyright_diffs WHERE lang='en' GROUP BY date ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 50;
| date     | count |
| 20180102 |   5 |
| 20180101 |  37 |
| 20171231 |  26 |
| 20171230 |  22 |
| 20171229 |  39 |
| 20171228 |  22 |
| 20171227 |  42 |
| 20171226 |  65 |
| 20171225 |  59 |
| 20171224 |  79 |
| 20171223 |  60 |
| 20171222 | 100 |
| 20171221 |  85 |
| 20171220 |  76 |
| 20171219 |  66 |
| 20171218 |  85 |
| 20171217 |  83 |
| 20171216 |  91 |
| 20171215 |  87 |
| 20171214 |  86 |
| 20171213 |  96 |
| 20171212 |  83 |
| 20171211 |  93 |
| 20171210 |  92 |
| 20171209 |  70 |
| 20171208 | 123 |
| 20171207 |  89 |
| 20171206 | 114 |
| 20171205 |  87 |
| 20171204 | 106 |
| 20171203 |  92 |
| 20171202 |  83 |
| 20171201 |  88 |
| 20171130 | 103 |
| 20171129 |  66 |
| 20171128 | 104 |
| 20171127 | 104 |
| 20171126 |  64 |
| 20171125 |  90 |
| 20171124 |  76 |
| 20171123 |  80 |
| 20171122 | 104 |
| 20171121 | 114 |
| 20171120 |  84 |
| 20171119 |  66 |
| 20171118 |  64 |
| 20171117 |  88 |
| 20171116 | 102 |
| 20171115 |  43 |
| 20171114 |  43 |
50 rows in set (0.06 sec)

Event Timeline

MusikAnimal claimed this task.
MusikAnimal moved this task from Backlog to Done on the CopyPatrol board.
MusikAnimal subscribed.

Recent data shows some 50-110 records a day -- usually the higher end of the range -- consistent with historical data. Maybe whatever was broken a year ago has fixed itself, or it was just coincidence. Closing as resolved for now.