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Thanks confirmation text does not wrap if longer than available space
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Example image is from frwiki:Histoire_des_maires_de_France.


  1. Using a medium-sized screen (mine has a 1366px width)
  2. Enable JavaScript.
  3. Log in to a wiki with Thanks enabled
  4. Set interface language to French
  5. Show a diff from a non-anonymous, non-bot user
  6. click the “remercier” link (“thank”)
  7. Wait for the nice animation to end.
  8. The surface should now look like this:

Capture d’écran de 2018-02-01 20-18-13.png (268×608 px, 23 KB)

Expected behavior:
The text wraps so that I can click on any link.

Current behavior:
The end of the text is displayed outside the screen; I need to scroll horizontally in order to reach some links.

I think it should behave the same on any decent browser, given the existing CSS rules, but here is my UA string: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0"

Both I and Romainbehar have experienced this bug (reported by him offline).

This became worse for me recently because of a zoomed Timeless where I have to scroll even for the “yes” link:

Capture d’écran de 2018-02-01 20-32-29.png (343×716 px, 38 KB)


Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

The text is liable to get longer in the near term because of T159302.

Change 441078 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hagar Shilo; owner: Hagar Shilo):
[mediawiki/extensions/Thanks@master] Wrap thanks confirmation text if longer than available space

Change 441078 abandoned by Bartosz Dziewoński:

[mediawiki/extensions/Thanks@master] Wrap Thanks confirmation text when it exceeds the available space
