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BUG: Grant metrics doesn't let you add participants sometimes
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


This is another tricky one. If you try to modify the list of participants and then Save, sometimes it doesn't save the list and comes back with the same participants as before.
We should fix this, asap.

Event Timeline

MusikAnimal subscribed.

The issue was we weren't trying to find participants by user ID and event, so you couldn't add participants that were also part of another event. Surprised it took us this long to notice that bug! 10f38f7 should fix it.

MusikAnimal set the point value for this task to 1.Feb 13 2018, 9:04 PM
Niharika moved this task from Needs Review/Feedback to Q1 2018-19 on the Community-Tech-Sprint board.

Looks like it works fine now. \o/