Abkhazian language should have proper link trail ($linkTrail) set in MessagesAb.php.
- Source code: [[ақыҭа]]қәа
- Expected expansion: [[ақыҭа|ақыҭақәа]]
- Actual expansion: [[ақыҭа|ақыҭа]]қәа
See also:
Abkhazian language should have proper link trail ($linkTrail) set in MessagesAb.php.
See also:
Subject | Repo | Branch | Lines +/- | |
Set $linkTrail for Abkhazian. | mediawiki/core | master | +2 -0 |
In test page I added some variations. Something wrong with other less known cirrilic letters.
I rechecked and understand that after simbols ,,]],, abwiki can't identify that cirrilic letters which are not in Russian. They are: ҵ, қ, ҕ, ӡ, ҳ, ҟ, ҧ, ҽ, ҿ, ә, џ, ҷ, ҭ, ҩ, ҷ.
And all Russian letters are needed? Currently these characters are taken into account apart from the English alphabet’s lower case letters (upper case letters are, and were ever, unlinked even in English, so it should be intentional):
а, б, в, г, д, е, ё, ж, з, и, й, к, л, м, н, о, п, р, с, т, у, ф, х, ц, ч, ш, щ, ъ, ы, ь, э, ю, я
If I understand the code correctly, the new link trail configuration will override, and not expand, the Russian one.
I am not 100% sure that the linktrail is the way to go here either (vs. default MediaWiki settings for any languages)
I hope someone from the Language Team can provide input.
If you or anybody else would like to work on this, you are very welcome to use developer access to submit the proposed code changes as a Git branch directly into Gerrit. If you don't want to set up Git/Gerrit, you can also use the Gerrit Patch Uploader. Thanks!
I already have developer access, and I have some experience, so I can manage to change a letter within 15 minutes… Originally I thought that I’ll do the actual change, but I don’t speak Abkhazian, so I need to know exactly what letters are important. However, if you want to play with it, I won’t stop you. :)
As I wrote early problems arise only with some letters of cirrilic letters.
They are: ҵ, қ, ҕ, ӡ, ҳ, ҟ, ҧ, ҽ, ҿ, ә, џ, ҷ, ҭ, ҩ, ҷ.
If you can, please help us.
As I said, the change will reset the character list, meaning that any characters not present in the regex will not be linked, including the most basic English alphabet. I know that English (Latin) letters are needed, but I don’t know which Russian ones are (I think that, for example, ё is not used in most Cyrillic alphabets, at least in Europe). If you say nothing, no Cyrillic letters will be linked except for the above mentioned ones – for instance, в will not become part of the link. Is this really what you want?
In Abkhazian wikipedia in this situation we need English and Abkhazian alphabet. We don't need cirrilic letters like (й, щ, э, я, ю, ё)
So you need the following Cyrillic letters:
а, б, в, г, д, е, ж, з, и, к, л, м, н, о, п, р, с, т, у, ф, х, ц, ч, ш, ъ, ы, ь, я, ҵ, қ, ҕ, ӡ, ҳ, ҟ, ҧ, ҽ, ҿ, ә, џ, ҷ, ҭ, ҩ, ҷ
Is this right?
without - ъ, я.
а, б, в, г, д, е, ж, з, и, к, л, м, н, о, п, р, с, т, у, ф, х, ц, ч, ш, ы, ь, ҵ, қ, ҕ, ӡ, ҳ, ҟ, ҧ, ҽ, ҿ, ә, џ, ҷ, ҭ, ҩ, ҷ
а б в г ҕ д е ж з ӡ и к қ ҟ л м н о п ҧ р с т ҭ у Ф х ҳ ц ҵ ч ҷ ҽ ҿ ш ы ҩ џ ь ә
Change 423523 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tacsipacsi; owner: Tacsipacsi):
[mediawiki/core@master] Set $linkTrail for Abkhazian.
Sorry, I tried to reply to the comment on Gerrit last weekend. I haven’t thought that clicking on “Save” won’t publish it. Now we’re waiting for reply, but I hope it will be finished during the weekend. And, of course, with all letters you wrote above. If it worked only with one word, I wouldn’t call it a patch, but a nasty hack.
I’m waiting for @Nikerabbit’s (or any other reviewer’s) review on Gerrit. The communication system seems to have some problems, though, for example there should have been a notification here by @gerritbot about my latest patch set yesterday.
Yeah, because nobody merged my patch. Last action was a month ago, when I reverted a comment change which proved to be because of misunderstanding. @Nikerabbit: you haven’t had other objections.
Change 423523 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] Set $linkTrail for Abkhazian.