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Prevent headings to be displayed alone, at the end of a PDF page
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Actually it can happen that an heading is displayed at the end of the page, with its content alone into the following page.

Actual behaviour:

[Page 1]
Section title
content content content
Section title
content content content
Section title ←
[Page 2]
content content

Expected behaviour:

[Page 1]
Section title
content content content
Section title
content content content
[Page 2]
Section title ←
content content

Event Timeline

Hi, MediaWiki-extensions-PdfHandler does not create, format, or rewrite any PDF pages.
What are clear and exact steps to reproduce the problem? Please see - thanks!

Hi, MediaWiki-extensions-PdfHandler does not create, format, or rewrite any PDF pages.
What are clear and exact steps to reproduce the problem? Please see - thanks!

Thank you, now the subject is correct.

TheDJ subscribed.

Screenshots and links to examples pages and PDF output would be welcome.

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jul 20 2019, 12:16 AM

@valerio.bozzolan: Do you have an example link?

Unfortunately closing this report as no further information has been provided.

@valerio.bozzolan: After you have provided the information asked for and if this still happens, please set the status of this report back to "Open" via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown. Thanks!